Horizons Unlimited is the on line bible for anyone planning to travel the world by motorcycle (or a tin top if that’s your preference). Or for those who like to experience other peoples adventures vicariously, this is a great site to see what intrepid travellers of the world are up to.
We used Horizons Unlimited to research our first trip in 2003/4. Since then we have kept an eye on what others are up to over the intervening years. Now we are more regular users of the site to keep up to date with information useful to us wherever we are in the world.
Shirley and I have presented at two Horizons Unlimited meetings in Australia and have attended one of their meetings in the United Kingdom. It’s great to meet like-minded people and share adventure stories and particularly to be around people who don’t think we are crazy!
We have signed on as Gold members to give something back to the Horizons Unlimited community.
So if you want to know more about travels like ours click on the link and have a look. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com
Gidday, hope you’re are well. Not missing much here. New CCP, yay! Autumn is coming and we are now thinking about the snow. No penguins at Mt Buller, just fond memories of Shirley’s expertise in extreme snow activities. Hope the trip is everything that you both dreamt of. Stay in touch.
Cameron & Emma.