January 24 to January 30, 2012
The Iguazu Falls straddle Brazil and Argentina. Thousands of litres of water cascade over the falls every second. It is a sight to behold, but before we can savour the vista there is paperwork to be dealt with. We need visas for Paraguay and Brazil – Brazil to see the falls and visit the bird park and Paraguay for a short cut to Salta in Argentina.
At the Paraguay consulate we are told the consul is over the border in Brazil. At the Brazil consulate we apply for the tourist visa and have to return tomorrow to collect it.
Now – down to the serious business of the Iguazu Falls. Our first encounter with the falls is seeing them in the distance as we walk the lower trail through the national park. Even here there magnitude is obvious.
We continue to a viewing platform halfway down the falls. You can’t hear yourself think over the noise of the water. It is amazing!
To experience the falls from every angle you need to see them from the water level. This means getting wet – very wet! We take a little boat out onto the river at the base of the falls. They take the boat right under the falls – it’s like they turn a fire hose on. Within seconds we are drenched – and loving every minute of it. It doesn’t take long to dry out in the blistering heat.
On our second visit we head to the top of the falls – the Garganta del Diablo – the Devil’s throat. This is so impressive. Water, water and more water. WOW
With our Brazilian visa we head over the border to see the falls from the other side. The overall vista from here is impressive. From Argentina you can see Brazil and Paraguay. From Brazil you can see Argentina and Paraguay. The rivers separate the nations.
The experience of seeing the falls from Brazil is a different one but equally exhilarating. You don’t get to feel the force of the water but you see the enormity of the falls. In Brazil you see the falls stretching out for 2.7 kilometres! WOW
Foz de Iguazu in Brazil is also home to the most amazing bird park. Here you can see birds of more colours than you thought possible. Toucans, macaws, flamingos and the startling scarlet ibis.
You get up close and personal with birds from across South America.
The park is not just for the tourists. It offers serious breeding programs for birds that facing extinction in their natural habitat.
When we there in November there was even more water going over the falls as they were in flood and it looked like a chocolate milk shake. We missed the bird park and am sorry about that. Saw some toucans in the trees but none of the other birds you mentioned.
It is an amazing part of the world and so happy to have visited there.
We sat for an hour at the Brazillian side of the border for them to inspect our paper work to go into Argentina. Argentina was a quick stamp and off we went.
You did well with your visa – ours took two and half months from Canberra.